Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Jan 12 – Feb 9

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City, MO, United States

Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Goal: 1000 items! FOOD (See list here or in narthex) CLEANING SUPPLIES (Also on list here or in narthex) MONEY (Use envelope from narthex or go online.) COMMUNITY PANTRY PARTNERS: Good Ground Pantry–Central West End God’s Helping Hand–The Ville MTUG/Metro Trans Umbrella Group Monetary Donations: Go to Bethel’s QR code, choose Local Hunger OR use ...

Baseball Breakfast

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City, MO, United States

In Fellowship Hall. Everyone’s favorite Bethel baseball event returns on Saturday, April 12th, at 8 a.m. We will meet for a pancake breakfast in the Fellowship Hall and get the inside scoop on the Cardinals from Tom Ackerman, sports director at KMOX radio and Bethel’s good friend. We will again have Cardinals ticket donations in prime seating available for silent ...

This Week at Bethel

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