We invite your child to join us for Education Hour on Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:45 a.m. Please contact the church office for more information, or to be added to our contact list. We request that each child in our ministry have a new medical/media release form on file each year (click on the blue to open the link; we have hard copies on the bulletin board by the Youth Lounge, too).
Sunday’s Cool
Sunday’s Cool (Bethel’s Sunday School) invites children age 3 through 5th grade to sing, play, and learn with us! We will meet in person most Sundays, except for the first Sunday of each month, and continue through the Sunday before Memorial Day. Our adult leaders have email addresses for all of the children whose parents have indicated interest, and send out emails regularly so that all children can be ready for classes. Guests and new students are always welcome! Contact the church office to be added to the list.
Our Confirmation ministry (grades 6-8) is led by Pastor Scott Benolkin, and meets on the same schedule as above. Pastor Scott and other adult leaders focus on forming relationships with our young people while exploring the basics of our Lutheran brand of Christianity and allowing plenty of space for questions and conversation.

REMEMBER to bring your materials with you to every Confirmation class. Join us on Sundays during the Education hour!
Please note: Confirmation Youth are currently invited to all Bethel Youth activities. See the Bethel Youth page or the Events calendar on this website.
Children’s Christmas Drama
Our Advent/Christmas drama is an annual Bethel tradition! We are grateful to Deborah Bohlmann for her Gospel-filled scripts! In 2024, we repeated a favorite, “Love Is Born For Us All,” last done in 2013. The program included drama, music, and hand chimes performed by Bethel children and high school youth.

Serving as worship leaders
We invite all of our Confirmation and high school youth to serve in worship! We offer training periodically and all of our worship leaders are also happy to help you on the days you serve. Serving in worship as an acolyte, Communion assistant, usher, lector, nursery helper, or audio/visual assistant counts as service hours for school, talk to Jessica or Pastor Scott to sign off on school service hours. Our acolyte training video is now available, and can be seen here for Confirmation students and others who are interested to view as a refresher.
Sunday Funday 2022

2021-22 Sunday morning faith formation year (courtesy of Sherman Lee)