Advent Party at Walker Home

Ron/Marie Walker home 715 N Spoede Rd, Creve Coeur, MO

Join your Bethel friends at the Walker Home for an Advent party! All households are welcome! You are invited to bring an app, snack, or dessert to share. There will be cookie decorating and space for kids to play, hope to see you there!

CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER – Bethel Youth: Twelfth Night/Three Kings Party

Bethel Youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to the Paul home for a "Three Kings" party. Bring an appetite, a friend if you'd like, and a wrapped "white elephant" gift for our gift exchange (that's something you might have around the house that you've never used or figured out what to do with it -- the weirder or ...

Easter Vigil Reception

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City, MO, United States

Champagne reception in the Fellowship Hall downstairs following the Easter Vigil. Savory and sweet foods. Sparkling beverages (champagne and non-alcoholic).

This Week at Bethel

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