Christmas Drama rehearsal
Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City, MO, United StatesAll children and youth involved in the Christmas Drama meet in the youth lounge to go through the script and music with Dr. Mager.
All children and youth involved in the Christmas Drama meet in the youth lounge to go through the script and music with Dr. Mager.
Grades 6-12: Join your Confirmation and Youth Group friends on Sunday, November 3, 4-6 pm at the White home for S'Mores & More! You may bring a camp chair if you'd like. We'll have a short devo, some fun activities, and of course, S'Mores around at the firepit! Contact Jessica White with your questions. Bring a friend!
All children and youth involved in the Christmas Drama meet in the youth lounge to go through the script and music with Dr. Mager.
Join your Bethel friends at the Walker Home for an Advent party! All households are welcome! You are invited to bring an app, snack, or dessert to share. There will be cookie decorating and space for kids to play, hope to see you there!
All those involved with the Christmas Drama on December 15 please join us for a dress rehearsal and pizza! come to the hallway by youth lounge to put on costumes, then head to choir room for music rehearsal, followed by play run-through we expect to eat pizza at about 4:15 or 4:30
Bethel Youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to the Paul home for a "Three Kings" party. Bring an appetite, a friend if you'd like, and a wrapped "white elephant" gift for our gift exchange (that's something you might have around the house that you've never used or figured out what to do with it -- the weirder or ...
Bethel's Easter breakfast is Sunday, April 20! We'll be serving from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Come enjoy delicious Farmer’s Casserole (meat and vegetarian options), bacon, freshly baked pastries and other sweets, fruit salad, juice, coffee, and tea. There will be a freewill offering to benefit the Bethel Youth and the ELCA Youth Gathering trip to Minneapolis in 2027. Can you contribute baked ...