Second Sunday Summer Surprise

For this summer, we are building on the success of Summer 2022 “Rock, Paper, Scissors” for a new Cross+Generational series — “Earth, Wind & Fire.” Attend one or all three! We are again meeting at the home of Marie and Ron Walker from Noon to 2:00 pm. Each session includes a little Scripture, song, prayer, a delicious lunch from “Chef Ron,” and a fun hands-on activity suitable for all ages to do together!

June 11: Wind

We enjoyed Ron’s great cooking again, heard about the disciples and the first Pentecost, and about God’s breath and the wind of Pentecost!  We did a quiet breathing exercise before moving to our activities: making pinwheels, and our take on Tibetan Prayer Flags!

July 9: Earth (and Water!)

We read about the “fruits of the Spirit” and talked about how God’s Spirit grows these  fruits in our lives. Then we made “grasshead” friends to take home, and as the grass grows, we can remember that God is growing fruits in our lives.

25 of the 35 attendees
August 13: Fire!

Noon to 2:00 pm. Lunch is included. We will hear about the gifts and the energy the Spirit gives us and the fire planted in our hearts. We will review all of the images we have talked about this summer regarding the Spirit’s action. Then it’s on to a special art project to share with our Bethel friends in worship about all we have learned. Come join us for the final session of this summer’s series! RSVP’s to Marie appreciated but not required.