Rock, Paper, Scissors: Bethel Summer Adventures!

What a great summer we experienced. We met three times during June and July at Ron and Marie Walker’s home. This summer project was partially funded by a Thrivent Action Team grant, and we are grateful for the amazing hospitality of the Walker family! For each week that we met, our theme was reinforced with a story or theme from the Bible, told in new ways. We added songs and hands-on activities. And of course, FOOD. We all had so much fun and enjoyed the time we spent together as Bethel family. We’re looking forward to more intergenerational events, and hope for even more households (of any size and age!) to join us!

ROCK: Sunday, June 26, 12-2pm (Walker home) “Jesus Is a Rock!”

PAPER: Sunday, July 10, 4-6pm (Walker home) “Light Of the World”

We made sunprints, and talked about Jesus, the Light of the World, and how we can reflecy his light!

SCISSORS: Sunday, July 31, 11:30-1:30pm (Walker home) “Abundance”

Some of us made totes from t-shirts while others assembled school kits for God’s Helping Hand. We all enjoyed pizza and the ABUNDANCE of food offered by several families.