Bethel Youth: S’Mores & More

Grades 6-12: Join your Confirmation and Youth Group friends on Sunday, November 3, 4-6 pm at the White home for S'Mores & More! You may bring a camp chair if you'd like. We'll have a short devo, some fun activities, and of course, S'Mores around at the firepit! Contact Jessica White with your questions. Bring a friend!

Christmas Drama Dress Rehearsal

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City, MO, United States

All those involved with the Christmas Drama on December 15 please join us for a dress rehearsal and pizza! come to the hallway by youth lounge to put on costumes, then head to choir room for music rehearsal, followed by play run-through we expect to eat pizza at about 4:15 or 4:30

Bethel Youth: Twelfth Night/Three Kings Party

Bethel Youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to the Paul home for a "Three Kings" party. Bring an appetite, a friend if you'd like, and a wrapped "white elephant" gift for our gift exchange (that's something you might have around the house that you've never used or figured out what to do with it -- the weirder or ...

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