Green Team (Care for Creation)

Green Team spearheads Bethel’s environmental ministry of caring for creation. Bethel submitted its Green Team Action Plan and was certified as a Green Congregation in summer, 2010; we reaffirmed our commitment as a Creation Care Congregation in 2018. As a result we strive to respect all of life as sacred. We accept our vocation as Earth-keepers who care for creation. We accept our responsibility to live justly in relation to our fellow human beings in ways that all creatures may mutually thrive together. Our work is focused in 5 areas:

  • Worship: Annual outdoor May Center Celebration, October Blessing of the Animals, Season of Creation Lectionary 2021
  • Education: Adult Forum presentations on a variety of topics; pollinator plants for Earth Day, 2022
  • Building and Grounds: Bethel was Energy Star certified in 2017; solar panels were installed in 2014; we continue to monitor our energy usage, strive to increase our energy efficiency and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
  • Discipleship at Home & Work: Through education and service, we aim for our members to make lifestyle choices at home and work that support their care for creation
  • Public Ministry: We strive to work with other organizations committed to creation care and addressing systems which foster degradation of creation and environmental injustice: Creation Care for Congregations 2022 in collaboration with Atonement Lutheran Church and Lutheran Church of the Living Christ; Sierra Club Eastern Missouri Group – Beyond Coal Campaign; Interfaith Power and Light, Lutherans Restoring Creation

Green Team members: Brenda Light Bredemeier, Linda & Christian Bristol, Wayne Flesch, Cindy Gross (chair), Deb Grupe, Irvin Hamilton, Peter Kennedy, John & Vicki Lottes, Steven Poplawski, Malinda Walter, Ann Wilson

A group of eight people pose by a newly planted tree

Tree planting service project at Ivory Perry Park – Sept 14, 2021


A woman and child plant flowers together in a pot

Bethel Pollinator Project – May 29, 2022


Bethel Installs Solar Panels – 2014