In the library / conference room off of the Fellowship Hall.
Grades 6-12 and families, help us get ready for our annual Easter Breakfast fundraiser! It's fun and it counts as volunteer hours! We'll gather at 10 a.m. in the Bethel kitchen and should be done by 11:30 -- many hands make light work!
Champagne reception in the Fellowship Hall downstairs following the Easter Vigil. Savory and sweet foods. Sparkling beverages (champagne and non-alcoholic).
Bethel's Easter breakfast is Sunday, April 20! We'll be serving from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Come enjoy delicious Farmer’s Casserole (meat and vegetarian options), bacon, freshly baked pastries and other sweets, fruit salad, juice, coffee, and tea. There will be a freewill offering to benefit the Bethel Youth and the ELCA Youth Gathering trip to Minneapolis in 2027. Can you contribute baked ...
This diverse group meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning. The time frame is intended to be for one hour, although they sometimes go a little longer… The group decides what to study and discuss for a period of time - usually a book of the Bible or a current theological book. The group meets offsite. ...