Adult Forum

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City

Adult Forum, a welcoming, inclusive gathering of people who want to learn about and discuss a wide range of topics pertaining to Christian life and faith, meets in the Fellowship Hall at Bethel from 8:30-9:45am on most Sunday mornings. Please click here for more information about this month's speakers.

Confirmation Breakfast

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City

We welcome our 6th-8th graders (and parents) to a new year of Confirmation ministry with a breakfast on Sunday, September 17 at 8:45 am. On the church lawn if weather permits; otherwise in Bethel's gym.


Holy Communion – September 17

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City

Third week in the five-week Season of Creation.

This Week at Bethel

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