Adult Forum – February & March 2023

February 12
Speaker:  Pastor Merle Brockhoff
“Parables of Judgment”  This segment of Pastor Merle’s series on the parables focuses on The Five Wise and Five Foolish Bridesmaids, a Master Entrusting Assets to his Slaves, and the parable of The Sheep and the Goats.  Why did Matthew include these parables in his Gospel; what is the central meaning of each parable, and what might they mean for us today?
February 19
Speakers:  Matt Bear and Jody Kluender
“Lenten Practices” and “Worship Leadership”
Part 1: What is the purpose of Lent; what changes take place in our corporate worship life during the period of Lent; how can these practices prepare us for the celebration of Easter?  Part 2: What are the many roles that Bethel members play in preparation for and leadership of worship, and how can more people participate in these roles?

March 5 – join in “First Sunday” activities


March 12 & 19 – Dr. David Light Shields, M. Div. Ph.D., Bethel member

Belief and Doubt

In this two-session series on “doubt,” we will discuss specific forms of doubt, why so many people experience religious doubts these days, the ways doubt can both threaten faith and also renew it, strategies for rethinking faith in light of doubts, and what doubt means for our community of faith here at Bethel.  Reminder:  The first session (March 12) is on the first day of Daylight Savings Time! 

March 26 – Clint McCann, D.Min., Th.M., Ph.D. Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis

What God Wants More Than Anything Else:  Feed the Hungry

Bethel has a long history of feeding the hungry via organizations like Lutheran World Relief, CROP/Church World Service, Bread for the World, Good Ground Pantry and more.  In this session we’ll remind ourselves of the biblical basis for this ministry.