Adult Forum April 2016

images-1April 10: Doubting Thomas? More than once, adult forum members have asked for an “open discussion” Sunday during adult forum. Asking questions about the sometimes inscrutable matters of belief, faith, and scripture and sharing our doubts can provide an avenue for personal growth in wisdom, faith, community, and life. Any and all questions are welcomed. While not every question has a tidy answer, Pastor Bill will be on hand to give guidance and facilitate an open group discussion. If you wish, write down your question ahead of time and email to Pastor Bill at It might help to have a few questions as a starting place for conversation!


imagesApril 17: Earth Day 2016 is Friday April 22. Since becoming a Green Congregation, we have explored the theological, social, and practical aspects of caring for the creation. The Bethel’s Green team has invited a speaker from Straight Up Solar, the solar energy integration company that installed our solar panels in the school building. The practical elements of solar energy can be quite perplexing to many of us, and they will be here to answer our questions. Cindy Gross, Green Team chairperson, will also provide a brief update on Bethel’s energy scores, requested at the last Congregational meeting.



April 24: Rev. Ernest Mohoro and Anglican minister from Rwanda will offer us the opportunity to have a cross cultural experience of hearing about the Christian Church in Rwanda.

Evelyn MeyerAdult Forum April 2016