
Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Jan 12 – Feb 9

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City

Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Goal: 1000 items! FOOD (See list here or in narthex) CLEANING SUPPLIES (Also on list here or in narthex) MONEY (Use envelope from narthex or go online.) COMMUNITY PANTRY PARTNERS: Good Ground Pantry–Central West End God’s Helping Hand–The Ville MTUG/Metro Trans Umbrella Group Monetary Donations: Go to Bethel’s QR code, choose Local Hunger OR use ...

Mission Conversation: What Does the Church Do?

Bethel Church 7001 Forsyth Blvd, University City

We are always doing things, both as a congregation and in our various callings in the world. But what kinds of things has God given to the church in particular? Join Pastor Scott as we examine that question through the book of Acts, giving us perspective to perceive how God is calling Bethel Lutheran Church.

This Week at Bethel

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