Safety Precautions for In-Person Worship at Bethel


  • Wear a mask during the service and upon entering and leaving the building.
  • Enter and exit the pews using the center aisle. Fill the church from front to back and exit back pews first to minimize walking past others.
  • Maintain 6’ of distance between yourself and people not in your household.
  • Worship folders are in the pews designated for seating (those pews not roped off). Sit at the end of the pew where the worship folders are located.
  • Holy Communion will not be offered during the service.
  • Soloists will sing the hymns.  Hum along if you wish.
  • Wear a mask and use a soft voice for congregational responses. 
  • An offering plate is located in the narthex.
  • Use bathrooms in the Fellowship Hall, except for emergencies.
  • Sanctuary windows will be open, weather permitting, for fresh air.
  • Please take your worship folders home with you. 
Sarah BrooksSafety Precautions for In-Person Worship at Bethel