Adult Forum November 2021


During our pastoral vacancy, Bethel is focused on assessing our ministry in terms of addressing questions such as “Where might God be calling Bethel to action?” Our Fall Bethel Zoom Forums will provide Bethel members and friends with opportunities to look at the rich variety of our current ministries, increase our awareness of Bethel’s community context, look at our social justice ministry commitments, and more.

November Theme: “Bethel’s Justice Ministries” are important to affirm during our time of pastoral transition as we articulate them for our Ministry Site Profile and Pastoral Candidates. Our current justice ministries include racial, economic, gender, environmental, generational, and more.

“Bethel’s Racial Justice Ministry Update”

Dr. Joe Bartzel, Bethel Member & Postdoctoral Fellow in the Study of St. Louis and the American Story in the inter-disciplinary program of American Cultural Studies at Washington University.

Wednesday, November 3, 7 PM

With Joe’s distinctive position on the faculty of Washington University, Bethel’s work on Racial Justice is being informed by his new teaching as our congregation’s efforts are being updated during this fall season. We are continuing our efforts toward racial justice in the St. Louis region. Our reading group and adult ed sessions over the past year have generated lots of enthusiasm among Bethel members around racial justice. We are carrying that momentum into this fall season with two related but distinct opportunities:

(1) The reading group maintains its focus on ensuring that our efforts toward racial justice remain grounded in the particulars of our local ministry context (the St. Louis area) and its unique history of racial injustice and struggle.

(2) Alongside the reading group, we are planning to launch a racial justice task force focused on action: building partnerships, and setting and implementing goals regarding racial justice.

Joe’s goal is for our efforts to remain focused on the theme of reconciliation that we have been exploring throughout many of our conversations over the past year. And, while the reading group and the task force will be differentiated from each other, his plan is that these two parallel efforts will continue to be mutually informed by each other. Members are still welcome to participate in one, the other, or both!

Bring your current questions and your interest to our first November Zoom Adult Forum on Bethel’s Justice Ministries or feel free to email Joe ( if you have questions or want to get involved.

Bethel’s Green Team & Environmental Justice

Cindy Gross (Chair) & Members of Bethel’s Green Team, those at Bethel who plan and implement efforts that advocate for Creation Care and Environmental Justice

Wednesday, November 10, 7 PM

Bethel’s Green Team has a rich history of addressing environmental concerns in tangible ways that involve the congregation. In this Forum session they will address current issues of environmental justice that have impact on God’s Creation for humans, animal species, plant species, climate uncertainties, and more.

These critical current concerns have been approached creatively by the Green Team historically with such initiatives as the Green Congregation Action Plan, the Energy Stewards Initiative, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, solar panels, and much more. Bethel submitted its Green Team Action Plan and was certified as a Green Congregation in summer 2010; see green resource websites: and

There is much more for Bethel to pursue! Cindy will introduce the Earth Charter and we will talk about potential Creation Care projects for 2022. The Green Team welcomes new members and ideas. For more info, contact Cindy at or 314/560-1112.

“The Prejudice of Ageism in a Spiritual Context”

Dr. Richard Johnson, Professional Counselor and Founder of both the Spiritual Strengths Institute and Lifelong Adult Ministry. Dr. Johnson has written over 40 books and numerous articles all focusing on God’s expansive Grace. He is nationally recognized for his pioneering work in Healing and Medical Behavioral Sciences and has led workshops and institutes around the country. We are thrilled to have Richard and spouse Sandra as a part of the Bethel community.

Wednesday, November 17, 7 PM

Prejudice seems pandemic in our culture today, and of course prejudice has been a (the) curse of culture from the beginning… think Cain and Abel, and every war over the millennia. Prejudice is fear-generated; we seem to “deal” with our fear by finding an enemy… someone or some group that’s responsible for our fear. As people of God we are striving to address the three “BIG” prejudices (fears) of: racism, sexism, and ageism. So why do we fear aging? Aging presents us with a paradox. We joke about aging… yet we curse aging. We (overly) focus on aging… yet we would rather forget aging. We want to ignore aging… yet aging won’t leave us alone. We need aging… yet we certainly don’t want aging. We seem to have a love-hate relationship with aging. Obviously aging presents us with a conundrum. So, what can we do with a prejudice like aging? How does our Christian faith instruct us in this dilemma?


Wednesday Evenings in December are reserved for Midweek Advent Vespers and a Break for the Christmas Season. Our Adult Forums via Zoom will resume in January 2022.

Evelyn MeyerAdult Forum November 2021