Adult Forum February 2019

February 10
“Exploring Resilience”
Resilience is defined as a process of adapting well in the face of adversity, tragedy, and loss — a “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.  Some call it the “queen of virtues.”  Is resilience a behavior or a power (grace)?  Join the discussion about resilience led by Dr. Richard Johnson, friend of Bethel, prolific author and lecturer, and “a dynamic and engaging teacher.”
February 17
“Cuba:  History, Culture, Politics, and Religion”
February 24
“El Salvador:  History, Culture, Politics and Religion”
Both Cuba and El Salvador are products of revolutions that swept through Latin America, beginning in the mid 1950s and continuing into the 1990s.   We’ll explore how and why the two countries have turned out so differently, and why people of faith should care about what has gone on and is going on in Latin America.
Led by Dr. Clint McCann, Professor of Old Testament at Eden Seminary, frequent teacher at Bethel, author, seminar leader, and scholar in the field of liberation theology.
Evelyn MeyerAdult Forum February 2019